National ELT Resources Repository

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Using Letters to Tell Stories in the EFL Classroom

Author: Dario Luis Banegas – Description: Activities with letters you can use in classes. These resources were originally created for English language learners and teachers around the world by the Office of English Language Programs in the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs at the U.S. Department of State. Visit the American English page here:

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Bowling: Entertainment for All Ages

Author: Phyllis McIntosh – Description: A reading about bowling. These resources were originally created for English language learners and teachers around the world by the Office of English Language Programs in the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs at the U.S. Department of State. Visit the American English page here:

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A Reading Programme for Elementary Schools

Author: Rizwana Habib Latha – Description: A guide to promote reading en your classes and community. These resources were originally created for English language learners and teachers around the world by the Office of English Language Programs in the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs at the U.S. Department of State. Visit the American English page here:

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Adding Variety to Word Recognition Exercises

Author: Michael Crawford – Description: A guide about methodology of reading activities. These resources were originally created for English language learners and teachers around the world by the Office of English Language Programs in the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs at the U.S. Department of State. Visit the American English page here:

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Learning Guide: Our beautiful natural world

Author: Yolanda Lozano Llanos – Description: This self-study guide helps you to understand and practice the importance of taking care of the natural resources in our departments and towns through the topic Our beautiful natural word presented in Way to Go student and workbook 7 on Pages 91-92 and 31-32. It starts with two vocabulary activities, then you have to read a short paragraph and complete the missing words found the word bank and you must answer the questions according to the paragraph. Finally, you can choose in a traffic light the correct option according to your experience in this work.

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Learning Guide: How do you feel?

Author: Deisy Hasbleidy Barón – Description: This English self-study wants to help you learn vocabulary about feelings and emotions and how to express them. The activities of this guide are connected to the reading in Way to Go Students Book 7 Module 2, Unit 1 (pages 50 and 51) and Wordbook (page 17). It starts with some vocabulary activities. After that, you have to listen an interview and complete some information about it. Then, you will discover how to express feelings according to the respective reasons and different situations. Finally, you will read an article, complete some information and answer several questions.

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Learning Guide: Taking care of myself and of others.

Author: Diana del Pilar Barreto Moreno, Carmen Julia Buitrago Escobar, Leidy Milena Camargo Sandoval – Description: This English self-study guide helps you practise vocabulary related to Feelings and Emotions in time of Covid. These activities are related to Module 1 // Unit 3//: “Taking Care of Myself and of Others”. You can find it in Way to Go Student Book 7 and Way to Go Work Book. Firstly, you begin searching emotions on a cross puzzle. After that, you read the reasons why the people feel stressed (a-f). Here you can recognize the Simple Present Tense in affirmative form. Then, you will answer some questions about feeling stressed when you have bad relationships by using a vocabulary box. Moreover, you need to read the story of a student who is stressed because of pressure in school and underline the way the carácter reacts to stress, write True or False and correct the False ones.
In the writing tasks, you write 6 sentences about how the stress can affect you. Using the following vocabulary, Read a paragraph and make an outline with your own ideas about how you deal with a stressful situation and at the end, you write an email to your teacher expressing how you deal with stressful situations using the word bank.
Finally, the student must self evaluate his/her performance during the development of this self Study Guide.

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Learning Guide: Students personal care.

Author: William René Gonzalez Martinez – Description: This English self-study guide helps you know vocabulary about personal care, habits, food and physical activities, sentences in simple present tense. All the proposed activities are related with “Way to Go 7th” Student Book, Module 1, unit 2 “I Can take care of my body”. Then, there are five different activities to do, learn and enjoy, Student must read carefully taking into account the instructions and examples. At the end of the guide you will find the answer key to contrast your answers with the correct ones.
You can do it!

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Learning Guide: Bullying and conflict

Author: María del Carmen Reyes Ávila – Description: This self study guide was designed to help you practice about Olympic and Paralympic sports. Some activities you find are based on the book Way to go 7th grade. Module 1, Unit 1 page 53 and 59. The guide begins with a question to know your knowledge on Paralympic sports to establish connection with your previous experiences about the topic. Then it continues with a matching exercise to remember vocabulary about sports. After that, it continues with a Reading exercise which asks you to complete a chart and answer some questions to verify your understanding. Finally you will write a paragraph talking about a sport event to share with your classmates or teacher by means of an audio or video.

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