National ELT Resources Repository

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Learning Guide: This is my home!

Author: Javier Elkin Melo – Description: This self-study guide in English helps you learn vocabulary about physical characteristics and how to
describe a person. All activities are connected to the reading in Way to Go Student Book 6 page 33. You
are going to start with some vocabulary activities. Then, you have to read the text and work on some
activities about it. Then, you will discover how to use the verb “HAVE” for descriptions. Finally, you will
design your won description and you will also describe your best friend.

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Teaching Guide: What are Colombian people like?

Author: Miguel Ángel Salas Vásquez from Soledad

Description: This plan is designed to provide a meaningful way for students to learn more about regions in Colombia by describing people and their customs and by using the simple present tense and adjectives.

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