National ELT Resources Repository

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Learning Guide: Sports and free time activities

Author: Alejandro David Julio Rhenals, Jhonny Alberto Lemos Garcia, Gloria Inés Padilla Uribe – Description: This English self-study guide helps you practise giving instructions in written form. All the activities are related to the topic of sports and free time activities presented in English Please Fast Track 2 Module 1 Unit 1 Lesson 1. It starts with some vocabulary revision activities. Then, you have to answer some questions about a reading activity related to Parkour and some grammar sections about the use of gerunds and infinitives, and end up writing about your favorite sport/activity.

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Learning Guide: Animal trafficking

Author: Ferney Ríos Castro, Karen Lizeth Henao, Juan Camilo Vasquez – Description: This English self-study guide helps you practise presenting your opinions in written form. All the activities are related to the topic of ideal world presented in English Please! Book 2 Module 5 Unit 2 Lesson 5. It starts with some vocabulary revision activities. After that, you have to answer some questions about the language used to make passive voice sentences. Then, you have to read a short text and answer some questions in order to improve your reading skills and end up writing about some solutions for each animal trafficking situation.

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Learning Guide: Camping trip

Author: Wilson Aguirre – Description: This English self-study guide helps you practice vocabulary about camping and scouting. It starts with
some vocabulary activities, then there is a reading text and three comprehension exercises. The
listening activity offers the grammar structure in context and some questions about it. Then, there is a
speaking activity in which you will make a video about survival tips in the forest.

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Learning Guide: National Parks in Colombia

Author: Bibiana Patiño Roa – Description: This English self-study guide helps you practice your reading and speaking skills about
National Parks. All the activities are related to the Natural Parks in Colombia. This guide
corresponds to English Please 2, Module 4, Unit 3, Lesson 8, page 153. It starts with some
vocabulary about activities that you can do in National Parks. Then, you will do an exercise
about languag use, reading comprehension and record an audio.

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Learning Guide: What we spend money on

Author: Diana Nataly Parrado Castañeda – Description: This English self-study guide helps you to practice your communicative skills in English language while learning some vocabulary to describe a product and the best way of advertising it. All the activities are related to the topics presented in the English Please Fast Track 2 Module 2 Unit 1 Lesson 3. It starts with a vocabulary activity to help you to identify new words and expressions that you can find in an advert, then it continues with a reading exercise about the different ways of advertising a product. After that, you will develop a listening activity and demonstrate your understanding of the audios by answering some questions. Then, you are going to identify some useful language for designing an advert which is the final writing and speaking task. Finally, you will complete some exercises and answer a self-assessment item to revise your progress.

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Learning Guide: Leisure activities

Author: César Augusto García
Jessica Cedeño
Rosa Mendoza – Description: This English self-study guide helps you reinforce vocabulary related to sports and hobbies expressing likes and dislikes. It starts with some vocabulary activities. Then, you must answer some grammar tasks. After that, you will find some exercises to practice listening skills and finish by recording yourself saying what you like doing, dislike doing and would like to do. The teacher will send you the audio files (listening part) via WhatsApp.

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Learning Guide: Our Natural Environment

Author: Nasser Osvaldo Aguas, Marco Antonio Gomez, Silvia Maria Vital – Description: Dear student, welcome to this new self -study guide where you’ll improve your communication skills in English. Here you’ll find a new vocabulary related to our natural environment, such as, landforms, landscapes, animal species and so on. After that, you will do some activities like building sentences, using the previous vocabulary and the new grammar topic: The present perfect tense. Additionally, you have to read a text about Colombia and work on some activities about it and you will practice some abilities like reading, writing and speaking. As your teacher, I hope you enjoy this new adventure in the magical world of English.

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Learning Guide: Hobbies and sports

Author: Miladys Vertel, Hugo Hernandez – Description: This english self study guide helps you To describe your favourite sports and hobbies using verb + – ing
form or verb + infinitive + to. Giving clear instructions in a written form all the activities are related to the topic Hobbies and sports found in English please! student book 10, page 10 exercise 1. It starts with some vocabulary activities. Then, you have to hear three teenagers talking about hobbies and sports and work on some activities about it, then you will discover how to describe activities in free time. Finally, you will write a short text about what you do in your free time . Hope you enjoy this wonderful guide.

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Learning Guide: Celebrations around the world

Author: Martin Alonso Gonzales – Description: This self-study guide will help you know about celebrations and festivals around the world. All the activities are related to the English Please student book 10 Module 3 unit 1. This guide starts with some interesting activities about vocabulary revision. Then, you have to answer some literal and inferential statements from a reading about two important celebrations in the world. Finally, you have to write a ten-line paragraph description about one of the festivals celebrated in our country.

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Learning Guide: Spending time well

Author: John Jorge Ortega, Liceth Karine Oyola, Martha Milena Rodelo – Description: This English self-study guide helps you practice to describe how to spend time well in written form. All the activities are related to the topic of spending time well presented in English Please 2 Student Book Module 1 Lesson 7. It starts with some vocabulary revision activities. Then, you have to make some reading activity to comprehend some knowledge about Scouting. After that, you have to do some listening activities and answer some questions about the language used to talk about real possibilities. You will end up making a brochure to show that you can talk about real possibilities in a camping trip.

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Learning Guide: Different Lifestyles

Author: Yorlay Andrea Ocampo, Adriana Restrepo, María del Pilar Ríos Vallejo – Description: This self-study guide provides you some clues to get better with the grammar structure of present simple and vocabulary related to different celebrations in other cultures. This guide is based on the book English Please 10° unit 1, module 3, lessons 1 and 2, Where you can increase your reading and writing skills and vocabulary.

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Learning Guide: Nature, environment and planet care

Author: Blanca Liliana Morales Giraldo, Gloria Nelsy Betancourt Salazar, María Carmenza Giraldo Ocampo – Description: This English self- study guide provides you communicative resources to give advice and recommendations related to nature, environment and planet care. The activities of this guide are based on English Please 10 book, module 4, unit 2 page 144. First, it begins with some vocabulary related to the environment , nature and planet care. Second, you will find some recommended tools and practices. Finally, you will propose your own recommendations to love and protect nature , environment and planet with the participation of all your family members.

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