National ELT Resources Repository

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Learning Guide: Types of music

Author: Jhon James Arroyave Guazarabe, Diego Fernando Cardona Valencia, Fernando Monsalve López, Luz Adiela Arias Valencia – Description: This English self-study guide helps you to express likes, describe famous people, and use some adjectives by using the present simple tense in third person. All activities are taken and adapted from English Please! 1, Module 2 Unit 2 Lesson 6. It starts with some vocabulary revision activities. Then, you continue to read a text related to musical likes, and end up writing about a famous singer’s personal information.

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Learning Guide: Daily routines

Author: Sulay Robledo Córdoba, Hugo Omar Bernal Garcia, Javir Riascos Hurtado – Description: In this self-study guide you will practice different skills like reading, writing and listening with three sections including some vocabulary, grammar, a reading and a task to write. Everything is related to daily routines activities; this topic is taken from book English Please 9th, unit 1, module 2, lesson 3, pages 56, 57.

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Learning Guide: My Family

Author: Nury Guzman Vargas, Natalia Rincón Gaviria, Paula Andrea Acevedo – Description: This English self-study guide helps you describe your family in written form. All the activities are related to the topic of “Family Members” presented in English please 1 – Module 1, unit 2,
Lesson 4, pages 22-24. It starts with some vocabulary revision activities. Then, you have to answer some questions about the language used to describe your family (possessive adjectives) and end up writing a paragraph about a family member.

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Learning Guide: Typical Food

Author: Jhonny Lemos, Alfredo Mejía Valencia, Jorge Sánchez Marín – Description: This self-study guide will take you through a series of activities which aim to improve your vocabulary in terms of a healthy lifestyle. It starts with a vocabulary review, then you have to match the names of some fruits and their definitions, then you will work on grammar by using quantifiers to complete the activities. After that, you will read a text about some Colombian dishes and you will complete some charts with the information from the texts. Finally, you will create a new chart to describe a Colombian dish and foreign dish. The information can be found on Módulo 3, unidad 1, lección 1 en página 86-88 from the English please Student’s Book 9h grade.

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Learning Guide: My ecological footprint

Author: Luz Miryam Montilla Montaña – Description: This English self-study guide helps you create an action plan to take care of the environment. All the activities are related to the topic “My ecological footprint” presented in Way to Go Student Book, Module 1 Unit 2. It starts with some vocabulary revision activities. Then, you have to answer some questions about the language used to describe plans (gerunds), do some tasks related to an article and end up writing an action plan to save the planet.

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Learning Guide: Healthy lifestyles

Author: Diego Fernando Cardona Valencia, Luz Adiela Arias Valencia, Fernando Monsalve López, Jhon James Arroyave Guazarabe – Description: This self-study guide helps you learn vocabulary related with healthy lifestyles such as healthy food, quantities, countable and uncountable food, and to ask for quantities of food by using how much/ how many. All the activities are taken and adapted from Module 3, Unit 1, lesson 2, from the textbook English Please! Fast track 1, pages 87, 91 and 92. It starts with some vocabulary revision activities. After that, you have to complete some reading exercises with multiple choice option, similar to the ones in Pruebas Saber. Finally, you will design a short survey related to eating habits at the school restaurant.

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Learning Guide: Eating disorders

Author: Humberto Uchima Tasama, Diego Alejandro Ospina Cardona, Maria Isabel Utima Gaviria – Description: This English self-study guide helps you learn and practice frequency adverbs and how they are used to express symptoms of eating disorders and the illness such disorders could lead to. The activities in this guide are related to the topic of eating disorders proposed in Way to go students’ book 8th grade, Module 2, Unite 1: lesson 1. It starts with some vocabulary activities. Then, you are asked to analyze the way frequency adverbs are used. Finally, you have some exercises to listen and use the vocabulary learned to talk about eating disorders throughout a survey.

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Learning Guide: The Weather

Author: Genyvel Díaz Traslaviña, Adriana Martínez Torres, Luz Bibiana Lazo Esquivel, Olga Cecilia Gutiérrez Méndez – Description: This English self-study guide will help you describe what people do according to the weather. All of the activities are related to the topics of the weather, clothes, adverbs of frequency and some of the activities you can do depending on the weather. Besides, the activities are based on the English Please, Student’s book, pages 64 ,66 y 67. This guide aims to develop reading and writing skills, grammar and vocabulary. By the end of the guide the student will be able to write an email to a friend saying what the weather’s like, what people wear in that type of weather and what they usually do.

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Learning Guide: Eating disorders

Author: Alejandro David Julio Rhenals, Yaneth Rodríguez Rodríguez, Andrés Felipe Gómez Restrepo, Gloria Inés Padilla Uribe – Description: Hello Students. This English self-study guide gives you the sequence you need to identify should and shouldn’t, use and apply them in reading comprehension and writing activities. All the activities are related to the topic eating disorders in Way to Go Student Book 8 Module 2 Unit 1. It starts with some relevant vocabulary about the topic. Then, you have to answer and read using should or shouldn’t and finish writing a plan for healthy eating habits.

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Learning Guide: Animal trafficking

Author: Ferney Ríos Castro, Karen Lizeth Henao, Juan Camilo Vasquez – Description: This English self-study guide helps you practise presenting your opinions in written form. All the activities are related to the topic of ideal world presented in English Please! Book 2 Module 5 Unit 2 Lesson 5. It starts with some vocabulary revision activities. After that, you have to answer some questions about the language used to make passive voice sentences. Then, you have to read a short text and answer some questions in order to improve your reading skills and end up writing about some solutions for each animal trafficking situation.

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Learning Guide: Food and nutrition

Author: Carolina Triviño Giraldo, Carolina Jaramillo – Description: This English self-study guide helps you practise giving instructions in written form. All the activities are related to the topic of food presented in English Please Student Book 9 Module 3 Unit 1 Lesson 1. It starts with some vocabulary revision activities. Then, you have
to answer some questions about the language used to describe routines (Third person rules) and other questions about a specific reading. After that, you end up writing a paragraph describing a relatives’ day.

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Learning Guide: Camping trip

Author: Wilson Aguirre – Description: This English self-study guide helps you practice vocabulary about camping and scouting. It starts with
some vocabulary activities, then there is a reading text and three comprehension exercises. The
listening activity offers the grammar structure in context and some questions about it. Then, there is a
speaking activity in which you will make a video about survival tips in the forest.

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Learning Guide: Caring for the environment

Author: Andrea Steffania Guzmán Santacruz, Lina Constanza García Castro, Edna Lucia Rengifo – Description: This English self-study guide will help you to reinforce and obtain new knowledge about the importance of caring for the environment, leaving a good ecological footprint and reflecting on your daily actions to preserve the natural spaces that we still have. It starts with some vocabulary revision activities. Then, you have to answer some questions about the language used to express opinions about environmental practices and end up writing a situation considering whether it is good or bad to preserve the environment.

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Learning Guide: Human Actions and the environment

Author: Andrés Felipe Muñoz Cortés, Margarita María Montes Montoya – Description: This English self-study guide helps you to describe the human actions that affect the environment and express what you would do to promote the care of it. All the activities are related to the topic of human actions and the environment presented in Way to Go Student Book 8, Module 1, Unit 1, Lesson 1. Besides, you will be able to write about the environmental problems that affect your school or community.

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Learning Guide: Human Actions and the Environment

Author: Andrés Bermúdez Duque, Astrid Elena Lopera Lopera, Elmer Antonio Córdoba Mosquera – Description: This English self-study guide helps you learn vocabulary related to human’s actions and the environment. All the activities are connected to the reading in “Way to Go Student Book 8, Module 1 – Unit 1 (Pages 9, 10, 11, 12) and the “Workbook” (3, 4, 5, 6). It starts with some vocabulary activities. Then you have to read a text and work on some activities about it, then you will discover how to express actions in the present simple. Finally, you will design a campaign inviting your friends to have good environmental habits; that campaign will be shared with your teacher and classmates.

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Learning Guide: Environmental Concerns

Author: Ana Maria Quintero Ortega – Description: This guide helps you improve vocabulary and grammar about the environment. The activities are related to environmental concerns in Way to Go Student Book 8 (Module 1 Unit 1 Lesson 1) and work book 8 (Module 1 Unit 1 Lesson 1). First you are going to a practice listening and vocabulary through a song, then you are going to match the picture with environmental problems (Way to Go Student Book 8, page 10 Exercise 1). Discuss with your partner about the things you would like to do and the things you would not like to do (Way to Go Student Book 8, page 12 Exercise 5). Make full sentences with would like to or wouldn’t like to about each idea (Way to Go WorkBook 8, page 3 Exercise 3).

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Learning Guide: Healthy food choices

Author: Nataly Pezzotti – Description: This English self-study guide helps you learn vocabulary about food, nutrients and eating habits. All the
activities are connected to the reading in Way to Go Student Book 8 Module 2 Unit 2 (page 61). It starts
with some vocabulary activities. Then, you have to listen to an audio and answer some questions about
it, then you will discover how to give orders, commands, warnings or instructions. Finally, you will make
a presentation about your eating habits explaining the benefits for your health.

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Learning Guide: Healthy food

Author: Fredy Ticora – Description: This English self-study guide helps you learn vocabulary about healthy food and giving information
about food. All the activities are related to the topic Healthy food choices presented in Way to Go
Student Book 8 Module 2 Unit 2 Lesson 1 (pages 60-61). It starts with some vocabulary activities.
Then, you have to listen to audio and develop some activities about it (Track 27). After, you have to
read a text and work on some activities about it, then you will discover how to express advice.
Finally, you will describe the food in a short paragraph and you will give advice about healthy food.

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Learning Guide: Eco-life

Author: Belkis Amaya, Yurany Rubiano, Jorge Reyes – Description: This self-study guide helps you to practise vocabulary about the environment in written and oral form. All
the activities are related to the topic Human actions and the environment, presented in Way to Go 8
Module 1 Unit 1 lesson 1. It starts with some vocabulary revision activities. Then, you have to fill in some
gaps, then answer will analyze the structure and it ends up with speaking and writing activities.

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Learning Guide: Healthy food choices

Author: Ana Zoraida Ballesteros – Description: This English self-study guide will help you practice vocabulary about Healthy Food (food, cooking,
methods and nutrients). These activities are related to the book: Way to go 8th (Module 2 – Unit 2 –
Lesson 1). It presents vocabulary and structures in Present Simple and Imperative to describe aspects
related to Healthy Food Choices. First, you discover and recognize words about different dishes, then
you will practice reading comprehension in some nutrition advice relate to the five food groups and
other exercises related to nutrition and eating habits. Next, you will research about some different foods
and their nutritional sources. Also, you will write a short text about the topic; you will find an activity
related to an exercise where you can practice your pronunciation and finally you will ask a classmate
some questions about nutrition.
Are you ready? Let’s go!!

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Learning Guide: Taking care of my body

Author: Luz Adriana Uran, Dora Cecilia Uribe – Description: This English self-study guide helps you practice giving instructions in written form. All the activities are related to the topic taking care of my body presented in Way to Go workbook 7; Module 1, Unit 2, Lesson 1. It starts with some vocabulary revision activities. Then, you have to sort out these foods in the pyramid of food. After that, answer some questions about a reading activity for having healthy habits.

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