Learning Guide: Travelling Around Colombia!

Marlin Zulema Mosquera Aguilar, Jaminton Mosquera Palacios, Leidy Sánchez Palomeque

This English self-study guide helps you learn vocabulary on tourism and tourist cities of Colombia. All the activities are connected to the reading in Way to Go Student Book 7 Module 4 Unit 2 (page 49). It starts with some vocabulary activities. Then, you have to read a text and work on some activities about it, and then you will discover how to compare things. Finally, design a poster in English in which you invite to visit a place in Colombia; that poster will be shared with your teacher and classmates through WhatsApp.

Learning objective(s):
To produce a short descriptive text to compare places orally and in writing. To exchange information and opinions about lifestyles based on questions and answers.