Learning Guide: Healthy routines.

Aura Cardoza Aguirre Robin Alexis Clavijo Adolfo Rivera Cabrera

Dear student, this English self-study guide helps you recognise some vocabulary about healthy routines and the language necessary to express them. You will find three main activities related to the topic of personal health care routine presented in Way to Go Student Book 6 Module 3 Unit 2 Lesson 1, Way to Go Workbook 6 page 25 Exercise 1-2, and Way to Go Workbook 6 page 27. It starts with some health care routines vocabulary matching words, as well as, complete paragraphs and complete a chart. After that, you have to read a short paragraph and match the image and answer the questions about Roberto’s routine. Finally, you are going to write and speak about your healthy daily routines using the vocabulary and language function learnt in this guide.

Learning objective(s):
To improve inferential reading skills. To manage and describe habits and personal care routines. To present personal information about daily activities.