Learning Guide: Healthy Eating

Ana del Pilar Moreno

This self-study guide is intended to provide reinforcements to strengthen students' vocabulary, reading, and writing to practice describing healthy foods and habits. Therefore, the activities are related to the topic of personal care habits presented in “Way to Go” Student Book 7 Module 1 Unit 2 Lesson 1. The activities are related to learning vocabulary about foods and their nutrients, they will also guess the meaning of some words using the corresponding synonym. Afterwards, a short reading you will find specific information through scanning reading, you will make inference through the concept questions. And finally, you will write a paragraph in which you’ll do a health eating’s routine and share with your teacher and classmates.

Learning objective(s):
To use vocabulary about healthy eating in a real context. To infer information from texts through readings on healthy eating To write paragraphs describing healthy eating routine.